Connor is growing up so fast. Every day he is changing. He doesn't crawl yet, but he really wants to. He manages to get around very quickly by doing his swat team crawl on his belly. We have figured out that you can't leave him unattended for too long because he gets into things. He has had his first taste of dog food. I am sure it is probably just as good as some of the baby food he eats. He has also investigated under the dresser in D.K.'s office... His newest skill is reading the newspaper. You just have to make sure that you read it before he does! (For all of the McCain and Reynolds readers out there...he kind of looks like Brady in this picture to me.)
Connor turned 8 months old on the 5th. He gets "real food" (just puffs and teething biscuits) now. The teething biscuits are so dirty, but they give me a good 30 minutes of free time!